Condemn the murder of two Argentine girls by Paraguay armed forces!


We repudiate the murder of two Argentine girls by the Paraguayan armed forces.

In the framework of an operation of the so-called FTC (Joint Task Force) against the peasant insurgency in the north of the country, there was an alleged confrontation against an EPP camp (Paraguayan People’s Army) in which two girls appeared riddled, Lilian and Maria, both 11 years old, daughters of combatants.

The Paraguayan state, servant of landowners and imperialists, has in the Armed Forces reactionary and corrupt FTC the executor arm of state terrorism, funded, assisted trained and by the U. S Israel and Colombia. They execute a ′′ counterinsurgency plan ′′ against the Paraguayan people, aimed at ensuring gopolitical control of the area (the triple border call) the juicy gains of drug trafficking, smuggling and selling weapons developed in the heat of agronegocio, chasing, criminalizing, torturing and killing those who oppose their criminal project.

The armed forces, from Stroessner to this side, could not shake off the corruption and the mafia that rules them, as an armed device serving those criminals interests. In Paraguay, there are 12000 families who own 90 % of the land, the extension of the soybean border meant the widespread dismount and the displacement of thousands of poor peasants from their lands. The people of Paraguay suffer the looting of their resources by the bloody hand of the great native bourgeoisie, Brazilian and Argentine associated with imperialism, mainly yanky; ′′ democracy ′′ is a formality, the dictatorship at the service of reactionary classes is verified in the facts and against her there was, there will be and will continue to be popular uprisings.

From the oligarchic-mafioso state operating in Paraguay with the puppet Abdo at the head, they have tried to first install teenagers recruited by the EP, then mask crime with the quick burial of the girls. All this maneuver clearly was mounted to avoid making known the status of those bodies, in terms of possible abuse and abuse, or to hide extrajudicial execution.

It is likely that from the terrorist state, they have implemented the organized by the US State Department for Plan Colombia (the so-called ′′ false positives ′′), which are the people who are not involved in armed conflict, who are killed and then presented as ′′ guerrillas “.

From the International League for People’s Fighting (ILPS) we join the demand for Justice for our girls killed by State terrorism in Paraguay. We pledge to deepen internationalist collaboration to achieve justice for them and all those killed.

Outside Yankee, Israeli and Colombian troops and advisors involved in operations against the people of Paraguay!!
No to blood repression against the Paraguayan people!!
Justice for Lilian and Maria!!
Freedom to EPP prisoners and all political prisoners!!