Rising number of children killed by Myanmar military amid anti-coup protests

The ILPS Commission on Children expresses rage over the rising number of children being killed by Myanmar military during its violent crackdown on anti-coup protesters.
Despite international condemnation, the junta continues to unleash deadly violence in response to nationwide demonstrations against the February 1 ousting of democratic leader Aung San Suu Kyi.
The massive protests that have been mounted across the country have been confronted by brutal dispersals and indiscriminate firing of police and military against demonstrators which resulted to hundreds of killings, arrests and detention.
As of this writing, there are already 20 children who were mercilessly killed by Myanmar police according to the global charity group Save the Children. There were also hundreds of children who were arbitrarily arrested and detained.
On March 24, Khin Myo Chit, 7 years old girl, was mercilessly killed by police who were raiding residential houses in northern city of Mandalay. After forcibly entering and searching the house, the police fired a shot hitting Khin Myo Chit who was about to sit on the lap of her father. She died half an hour later after being rushed to the hospital.
On March 23, Tun Tun Aung, 14 years old, was also shot by security forces in front of his house while fetching water for his mother.
Evidently, the military junta does not spare children from its gross violations against the people of Myanmar. Children, especially in poor communities, have become the direct targets of police and military operations in an attempt to quell the nationwide protests.
With the heightening political tensions and unrest within Myanmar, children together with their families have been carrying the heaviest brunt of militarization and its consequent human rights violations. Millions of children in Myanmar have undeniably been experiencing extreme fear, anxiety, trauma and psychological stress that may cause short and long term negative consequences. Worse, the incessant killings and arrests of activists have left thousands of orphaned children.
In response to the situation, the ILPS commission on Children calls on its members and friends to issues statement of condemnation and express solidarity with the people of Myanmar in their struggle to uphold democracy and an end to military coup.###