Together for woman’s liberation


“Women and girls of the world! Our time has come!” reads the final resolution of the 3rd
International World Women’s Conference of Grassroots Women in Tunis in September 2022,
which was also attended by a delegation of the International Automotive Workers’ Coordination.
Women do not want to be victims, but actors. In Iran, despite the greatest repression by the
Mullah regime, many women and men are courageously standing up for democracy and
For 12 months, the unjust imperialist war in Ukraine has led to endless suffering. Millions of
women and children are while fleeing. “Imperialism leads to war and destroys our
livelihoods” reads the call of the World Women’s Conference. “Weapons down, wages up”
were slogans at demonstrations in France or Italy. The danger of a nuclear Third World War has
grown considerably. This challenges resistance.
Immediate ceasefire! Russian troops out of Ukraine! No more weapons and armament for
the imperialist war!
The progressive destruction of the environment by the capitalist profit economy is already
having irreversible consequences, such as the thawing of the permafrost, the clearing of
rainforests, the poisoning and warming of the world’s oceans, and the further increase in CO2
emissions with devastating consequences for the climate. Women are often particularly
affected, but also active in the fight against it.
Stop the environmental criminals! For a future worth living for our children!
A female automotive worker from South Africa writes about her almost daily experiences of
gender-based violence, rape, discrimination, racism, unequal pay, single mothers in the
workplace: “We women of South Africa we remain exposed on these .We also agreed in the
confess that, all these social ills we faced under this Economic System of Capitalism again
women are hard hit. In South Africa unemployment is too high women earn the lowest income
than their counter part as men although they do same job. Poverty and in equality is much
worse for women. My country is not different on this phenomenon. This is the reason why we
joined hands with the women of the world wide in Tunisia. United international struggles of
women is the only hope and way on this dare situation.”
Workers’ and women’s movement hand in hand! Let us celebrate March 8 as an
international day of struggle for the liberation of women from exploitation and
With internationalist greetings

Further information on World Women’s Conference:
International Program of Struggle of International Automotive Workers’ Coordination:

ICOG Call for March 8, 2023: