News Release
July 4, 2023
Groups call for solidarity, ask support from the international community
Organizations from Pakistan, Myanmar, the Philippines, West Papua, Palestine, and India recently unveiled Silenced Suffering: Stop Rural Bombings, a solidarity and monitoring platform dedicated to addressing bombings in indigenous and rural communities....
News Release
July 4, 2023
Groups call for solidarity, ask support from the international community
Organizations from Pakistan, Myanmar, the Philippines, West Papua, Palestine, and India recently...
LOOK: The International Women’s Alliance and other allied networks held a protest yesterday in Brussels to amplify the calls against the Global NATO, US-led...
In a forum held in Quezon City in the Philippines, social movements and civil society emphasised that the international situation, characterised by multiple crises...
The world’s most powerful nations are bent on perpetuating hunger and inequality by accelerating plunder & destruction of the planet. Rural peoples struggle to break...